The Fruits of Inclusion
Second Generations Diversity Training™

Second Generations Diversity Training™
As a nation and certainly as organizations, we continue to struggle with the true concept of diversity and inclusion. When you get right down to it, if there is any hope in successfully moving organizations in a way that will support continued growth, innovation and competitive strength, we must come to understand that everything we ever hope to accomplish for ourselves and others is really all about creating cultures of inclusiveness. “If we are not actively creating cultures of inclusion, then by default, we are creating cultures of exclusion.”
Written Scope of the Second Generation Diversity Training™
Second Generation Diversity Training™ (SGDT) is a blame-free, shame-free, guilt-free approach to diversity training that brings solutions into focus. If you want employees waking up WANTING to come to work versus HAVING to come to work, then you will want to consider Second Generation Diversity Training™ development for your organization. Creating cultures of excellence come about through the transformative influence of inclusive practices.
SGDT was designed to assist organizations in developing skills necessary to deal with the 4 significant barriers that impede any organization’s ability to effectively deal with differences. I call them the 4 challenges to inclusion. These 4 C’s are:
Inability to effectively Communicate, Failure to understand and deal with Complexity, Fear of Conflict and a lack of skills to manage relationships, and an Inability to adequately deal with Change.
Communication, Conflict, Change and Complexity . . . these four factors unchallenged may cause incessant stress and strain on relationships and teams and may ultimately inhibit even the best efforts to be inclusive. Second Generation Diversity Training™ focus on developing competence in the 4C’s as the organization works toward creating excellence in inclusive cultures.
Benefits of Second Generation Diversity Training™ include:
Improved job satisfaction
Customer satisfaction
Improved team performance
Enhanced creativity and innovation
Developed understanding of complexity and change
The Programs
There are three (3) Second Generations Diversity Training™ program offerings:
The Fruits of Inclusion Strategic Development Program is a 3 ½ day workshop designed to assist an organization develop diversity and inclusion strategies that work. Programs include:
Developing an Inclusion Strategy
Supporting the Strategy
Sustaining the Strategy
The Employee Development Program focuses on developing skills that support inclusive work environments in order to effectively manage differences.
Relationship Management and Conflict Resolution
Speaking in Tongues: A Communication Skills Workshop
Frankenstein – Meet Your Monster
Managing Complex Change
Group and Team Dynamics
The Fruits of InclusionTM
Generations in the Workplace: Making it Work!
The Management and Leadership Development Program focuses on management and leadership skills that facilitate the creation of inclusive work environments while fostering innovation and creative problem-solving.
Building Inclusive Teams that Work!
Management Critical Skills: Delegating, Giving Feedback, Coaching Others to Success
Using Personal Power to Influence and Persuade
Living with Diversity: Creating a Culture of Excellence
Employee Development Programs
Increasing Personal and Team Effectiveness :
With all of the challenges organizations face every day, it is critical that teams work as effectively together as possible. This workshop uses the MBTI® (Myers Briggs Type Indicator) as the first step in assisting individuals in understanding themselves and appreciating the contributions and gifts of others. Continued and progressive benefits of using the MBTI® as a tool is that it can result in increased performance, improved self-awareness, opportunities for inclusion, and designing successful team exchanges.
Another option could be to use the DiSC® behavioral styles system. Both instruments are highly instructive, easily administered, understood and are statistically valid and reliable.
Speaking in Tongues – a communication skill development program
This is a fresh and innovative approach to improving your interpersonal communication skills. This interactive and energizing workshop focuses on understanding communication styles based on principles of how our brain prefers to interact. Participants will leave this session with improved skills in communicating support for the vision, techniques for interacting and communicating with team members and across all levels in the organization including how to have those challenging conversations that make many so uncomfortable.
Relationship Management and Conflict Resolution
Human interactions are the most challenging relationships because they take us into places in our hearts and souls we often do not want to go. Human contact cause us deep joy and in many instances deep pain. Human associations also provide us the very best possibility for personal growth and potential development of our weak areas. This program will provide participants an opportunity to explore their management and leadership style within the context of peer and subordinate work relationships. This is an intense session where participants will explore their personal conflict and relationship management styles. Learning how to deal with conflict in the context of work relationships is rapidly becoming THE critical success factor for many managers and leaders.
Frankenstein – Meet Your Monster: Generational and Gender Issues in the Workplace
One of the many ways we are different in our expectation of each other based on age and generational differences. This program challenges each participant to not only explore their own basic generational needs but to explore the needs of others in the workplace – based on sometimes contentious age differences. The need to understand and respect age differences is crucial to hiring and retention issues, sustaining an inclusive workplace, and reducing conflict. Men versus women, boomers versus Xers and millennials present very real issues which must be explored.
Managing Change
Change has become an incessant part of our lives. How we choose to approach and deal with change constructively, will determine how well change is managed. This program is a fresh and innovative approach to managing change which includes knowledge of the basic elements to any successful change program. This interactive and energizing workshop focuses on understanding change based on principles found in the laws of physics. Participants will leave this session with improved skills and approaches for honoring the art of celebrating change. Additionally, a framework for designing an individual change management program is included.
Group and Team Dynamics
There is a great need to understand the complex social processes underlying observable dynamics in a group or team and the role inclusiveness may play in improving performance. The goal of this learning experience is to increase an understanding of how the complexity diverse group dynamics dramatically impacts a team’s ability to perform. This program will explore:
- The role of conditioning on our perceptions
- The work of complexity
- Social Networks – where the “real” power resides
- Team and Group Decision-making
- Personal and Team Action Plans for Success
Generations in the Workplace: Making it Work
Today, there are four generations working along side each other in the workplace. The strain to understand this rich collection of experiences, values, and beliefs afford a unique opportunity to grow and evolve. We may use generational lenses to help us see things we might otherwise not notice and find solutions we might not have otherwise thought we would find. This program will explore:
- Who the generations include:
- How to communicate with each generation
- How to manage relationships
- Growing a culture of inclusion
The Fruits of Inclusion
We are all already diverse. What we don’t need is more diversity . . . what we need is to learn how to make our diversity succeed together and that comes through the work of inclusion. In order for inclusion to be able to work, it has to have an opportunity to grow and in order to grow; it has to have a chance for the seed to be planted and its birth to take place. Then, the plant of inclusion must be nurtured, fed, and cared for so it does not die. From the birth of inclusion come the fruits of inclusionTM. This program takes participants through the 12 fruits of inclusion and explains how to be more inclusive in dealing with each other.
Management and Leadership Development
The Challenges of Change and Complexity
As agents of change and choice, as a supervisor or manager you are being asked to embrace new values, make new commitments, and be culturally competence, a competent communicator and effective supporter of change. This cannot happen if there is not a real effort made to understand complexity and systems thinking about all of our interconnectedness. Change is often stressful when it is not understood. Complexity increases the challenges of dealing with change in that complexity invites us to embrace what is not readily understood or appreciated. Complexity and change compels us to examine the unpredictable and to look at diversity through the lens of adaptability. The program offers deeper insight into an understanding of self-organizing principles and how change and complexity help or hurt us as we work to create and sustain cultures of inclusiveness.
Building Inclusive Teams That Work!
This program was specifically designed for first and second level managers in need of developing competencies that lead to increased commitment, energy and passion for work, and trust between manager and employee. Participants will explore innovative approaches to building trust, establishing a vision and mission, and improve employee participation all which is intended to develop high performing teams.
Management Critical Skills: Delegating, Giving Feedback, Coaching Others to Success
This program focused on developing successful management/leadership skills by exploring appropriate ways to delegate, provide feedback, and become a leader capable of coaching others to success. Participants will understand why feedback is not as easy as it sounds and why it is so critical to successful management. They will also learn the benefits of coaching: how it happens and why it is important to every changing organization. Good coaching is not the same as great coaching and this program shows the way to be a great coach.
Using Personal Power to Influence and Persuade
As demands increase to discover innovative ways for managing the ever increasing and expanding forms of change, having the ability to persuade and influence others is fast becoming a critical success factor. Everyone should take some time to understand the need to improve our ability to be persuasive and influential. Participants will leave this program having identified strengths and areas for improving their ability to influence and persuade including likeability. They will also learn how to build collaboration and develop trust as it applies to today’s business challenges.
Living with Diversity: Creating a Culture of Excellence
This program is the capstone of the Diversity and Inclusion series. Participants will learn how to pull all of the lessons they have learned in the previous programs together. This program will cover:
- ¨ The impact of the relationship between diversity, inclusion and profitability
- ¨ How to set and manage employee expectations
- ¨ Being able to define your team’s WOW factor
- ¨ Increase awareness of the principles of motivation and commitment
Workshop Descriptions
Why a strategic planning workshop
When it comes to designing a useful yet practical diversity and inclusion strategy, one size does NOT fit all! The purpose of this workshop is to provide the participant an opportunity to consider strategies that are best suited to their particular organization as they design and develop a diversity and inclusion program.
Getting Ready for Inclusion
During this phase of strategic planning, it is critically important to know where the organization is in their “readiness” for making inclusion a part of their cultural norm. Participants will explore what diversity and inclusion means to their organization. The power of social networks and potentially exclusionary policies will be evaluated. Other areas considered during this phase are if your organization is not ready for inclusion, what your options for getting ready.
Developing an Inclusion Strategy
Every organizational strategy (regardless of the industry) must align with the organization’s vision, mission and values . . . no exceptions. It is also important to incorporate accountability into performance goals in order to have an effective strategy. It is also important to know what the advantages AND disadvantages are for each organization before moving forward with a strategic design.
Supporting the Strategy
No strategy, no matter how elaborate or simple, has any chance of working if the members of the organization are not prepared through training to make the strategy a success. This phase takes the participant through the process of determining where the organization is versus where they want to be. The gap between these two points is where training needs to take place. Every participant will leave with a training program shell in order to begin making the strategy a reality.
Sustaining the Strategy
What gets measured gets done. Responsibility and accountability for results belong with every leader, every manager, every department, and every employee. Trust and shared accountability is what sustains change. Setting milestones for the organization is pivotal to creating a culture of inclusion. Changing how and who gets evaluated may be a critical piece to ensuring the successful implementation of your diversity and inclusion strategy.
For program pricing information, please email [email protected] or call 937-866-7511
For more information on the Fruits of Inclusion™, please view the presentation below: